WalleyeJo's Atlatls

So far, WalleyeJo (Kevin Sorensen) has two named styles of atlatls, several unnamed ones, and variations. They all throw very well.

Watertown Atlatl
Watertown Atlatl

The Watertown atlatl is his first personal design. It has a flexible shaft, a VERY comfortable grip, a heavy "head", and a dart rest. It is designed with fishing in mind -- after you pull the fish up on shore, you can use the back of the "bird's head" to finish off the fish.

Children's Watertown Atlatl
Children's Watertown Atlatl

The children's model is identical, but shorter.

Distance Watertown Atlatl
Distance Watertown Atlatl

The Distance model is designed to be a two-hander, and is made for one purpose -- throwing darts as far as you can. The first one is 39" long, and VERY whippy.

This is his second style, named the "K-Jay". It was sold on ebay, and the winning bidder got the honor of naming it. It's very similar to the Watertown except for a smaller "head", which means it's a little lighter.

K-Jay Atlatl
K-Jay Atlatl

These are all new designs he's made, unnamed so far. They have smaller heads than the Watertown and a smaller grip, so that if the thrower wants he can remove the rest and throw them with a different grip.

New Design 1
New Design 1

New Kid's Design
New Children's Design

New Design 3
New Design 3

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