QnD Tlingit Throwing Board

Tlingit Throwing Board

This is my (mostly theoretical) version of the Tlingit throwing board. The Tlingit live on the southeastern coast of Alaska, and I've seen images of 3 different throwing boards, but finally found the secret in pictures from the Smithsonian. They have a groove cut out on the bottom, and I assume there's a peg there, because a) throwing boards from that area usually do, and b) it works.

This is a QnD (quick and dirty) version, to give you an idea of how it works. The originals are beautifully carved and decorated, which I tried to do in my first two versions (and you can do on yours), but which is purely decorative and doesn't affect the function.

Wood, 14" x 1 1/4" x 3/4"
Dowel peg, 1/4" x 3/4"


Tlingit Throwing Board
A genuine Tlingit Throwing Board

My first attempt
My first attempt

My second attempt
My second attempt

To use this, you need to use light darts. Put the tip of your index finger in the hole, then place the dart on the peg. Grip it between your thumb and middle finger, with your other fingers gripping the handle. Throwing with this doesn't require much more than a wrist snap.

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